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The challenge

The context in which the Jumbo team found themselves was influenced by two factors, on the one hand the lack of priority in SEO implementations and on the other hand different changes in the team structure that delayed these actions even more.

To this is added the mandatory quarantine, which caused Jumbo to start working with more presence in its SEO strategy, since sales through the online platform began to increase..

The Objective

The objective was to increase transactions by 40% from January to August.

The Solution

In order to achieve the objective that had been set, and considering the increase in sales as a result of the quarantine, a strategy was generated with two main focuses.
On the one hand, we worked on the SEO optimization of the main categories that position in general supermarket and super online searches.
Second, the implementation of SEO actions was prioritized in the categories related to cleaning products, it will be sought increased in the last time.
Continuing, as the quarantine progressed, we worked on the potential of jumbo in areas such as electro and gaming.

The Result

far exceeding the established target. Sales grew in 6 months


Jumbo's conversion rate grew during the period from February to August, By
